You can now see a travel time graph for directions in Google Maps

Google has updated its popular Google Maps with a new features. Google has recently rolls out a new home screen on Maps for Android in which users can see a travel time graph for directions. While looking driving directions, now you can swipe up on the lower bar ahead of starting your trip to check if the travel time will change over the course of a few hours.

To access this latest Google Maps’ feature, you’ll need to go put in the destination that you want to go to.  After that, you have to tap “Route Info” at the bottom of the screen. Then Google Maps is previewing your route and you’ll see the new traffic graph. This feature is now rolling out on Android , But right now it’s not showing up for iOS quite yet.

As soon as you update to the latest version of Google Maps. You will then get newly added shortcuts on your home screen. This feature is most useful when we want to reach somewhere in the rush hour.

Harsh Soni: Hardcore Technology enthusiast. Journalist studied from Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media, Bangalore. I Write on upcoming smartphones, leaks, graphics cards, Android/ iOS, Apps, Tablets/ Laptops.