Motorola to develop AI cameras with Public safety in focus

AI is now everywhere, whether we talk about apps, printers or anything else. Whatever, may be the technology, Artificial Intelligence is seen integrated to it. ‘Technological Giants‘ such as Google, Microsoft to name some had already invested in the AI development. Now, the worlds first Mobile Phone MakerMotorola is stepping up in the AI field.

Motorola in collaboration with Neurala – An Artificial Intelligence development company is preparing for empolying AI in cameras. With Motorola handling software department and Neurala providing AI hardware needed, an AI powered surveillance camera is the target.

Currently, Motorola’s cameras are used by Law enforcements as Body-Cams for Police officers. So, Motorola thinks of exploiting AI potential of Neurala and provide intelligence to its camera. Public safety being the main agenda behind this move, reports Defence One.

Advantages Of AI powered Camera.

A smart camera with facial recognition can be very handy in real-time learning for a person of interest search.

  • To Find a Lost Child: AI cams can easily identify/highlight a lost child from the crowded area, which in other case normal camera can’t do.
  • Spot Weapons Or Suspicious Objects: Any suspiciousness in a public place will be caught by the AI. Which in effect can help take necessary precautions early.

Motorola has shown a prototype of AI camera and its action in a video posted in Youtube. Although, cameras powered with AI’s are used mainly for surveillance purpose. It could be a pioneering innovation if AI comes to our Smartphone cameras. In near future it may happen, though.

Watch the video teasing the potential of AI camera below. (May feel like a sci-fi hollywood movie in action. It’s not a fiction, not a concept, its all unleashing the potential of AI.)


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